20 May 2013

are two phases of work that lead to the creation of a work, as far as I'm concerned one is to stand in front of the media to paint ... and start looking inside the work that will become ... in that ... a whirlwind of ecstasy made ​​dipassione...gioia / dolore...sbagli .... second thoughts and wonder wonder why at some point by over .... you look at it with his eyes as if it were amazed .... was made ​​by someone else ... the other is made ​​of research ... study ... a thousand suggestions ... captured and with difficulty or with ease at times ... imprinted on paper and put them ... then ready to be reworked with paint ... ready to come alive with the color of this second approach .. no less fantastic first .... are "studies"

Comments 1

Daniele Consani
10 years ago
quando dipingo per scaricare le tensione o lo stress non compongo una figurazione precisa, parto invece dal colore , dal fondo ...un 'idea di massima piano piano viene fuori dal quadro stesso ,come se ci fosse dentro . Detto ciò devo dire che la tua ricerca mi intriga molto così come i tuoi quadri . Buono anche il blog.

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