Joy of Creation
06 February 2013
So I love to make art, and I'm afraid of making art. Nothing new there, I hear you cry. But what I want to say today is this - it is worth the fear, the doubt, the anxiety for the thrill that comes when you are actually creating. To stand in the studio and look at the paint, the canvas and the materials for putting them together ( these range from brushes to cling-film and old credit cards!) remains terrifying, but once I start and I'm in the flow it is worth it. That experience is one pure creation - there was nothing and you are making something new, something that could not exist without you. It is wonderful. And then of course the fear comes back, because I look at this creation, and I know it isn't finished and I'm afraid that when I come back to it, tomorrow or the day after, I will spoil what I have achieved. That the magic will not happen again, and I'll just be splashing paint around.

But when I'm actually splashing the paint around - there's a freedom there!

So, here is a work in progress - time will tell if I spoil it!

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