05 January 2014
Love is not the instinct of evil who leaves you bruised. Love leaves you with a smile, hope, love leaves you the scents in the skin just loved, love leaves you a song to listen to, I'll let the memories in my heart, love leaves you with a smile and a tear nostalgia. If you're wondering who will not do it ever again, you have to convince yourself that it will always, as long as you kill. The hands of a man in love does not need to beat a woman, but to caress, to touch, to protect, to embrace, if a man's hands begin to give you a physical pain, then it is not love, you have to escape, you have to protect yourself from what you thought was love. You can go back to smile at the moon, you can go back to dreaming, you can also go back to love. With time, another time. Love can be forever or can even let the anger, regret, can leave you alone with your tears, with pain in the soul, but will never leave a bruise on the skin. Never.
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