And then you have to stop
10 January 2014
And then you have to stop . If those eyes do not see anything, you have to stop . You have to die before a heart to be able to love another . You have the memory of a love that becomes faded . Away . And in that memory must scapparti a smile , not a tear. If you still feel the love inside, even when the roads are divided . Even when it hurts. You have to stop . Wait for death . And that comes, slowly . It made ​​tears and smiles stretched . Moments and moments spent together . Remember that leave you in the dark, and in that darkness that your eyes are filled with tears , that your look becomes tarnished . And in that darkness that walks among the people staring emotionless . Become a wax candle , and the flame that lit up before your heart, you consume each day. And then you have to stop . Let time take the memories , along with anger and hatred , of a love that was it. Let it die a love that we do not deserve it, makes us suffer , and suffering reflects the sincerity of our love. Desperately trying to suppress another love is a trap that we build day by day. You can not override the pain , or the love you still feel. Love never leaves you in suspense, or kill you, or makes you live . And then before that your heart can be inhabited , you must evict the shadows , the ghosts that inhabit it , before you can love another time , your heart must be uninhabited . Each small room has to be sleek . Heal the doors of the heart, the wrong ones , and open others . And then you can go back to love , and to live after being dead inside . And when you come to hear him live . In those beating faster , you feel it in your mind that has no deviations . You let yourself get carried away by love. Again. Pure . Resume your steps there .... where they had stopped , no longer afraid to die again. 'Cause you know that after death there is always the LIFE.
Even in love.

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