The men once
15 January 2014
The men were once those who passed under the balconies , to see a smile every now and then of their loved one,
those who put petrol in the car and ate the whole to see the shadow in the dark, without a glance in return ,
were the ones who went the extra mile after arriving home, and could not have had anything to dream , to love that woman almost imaginary ,
that woman when he heard the noise of the machine was pricked your finger to look up from their embroidery and able to give a smile to her man , secretly, in passing,
men once while struggling with the fathers of their beloved masters , always had a great respect for those figures rough and hard, when passing from the balconies and sometimes crossed eyes was always a challenge ....
The men once after falling in love between the fleeting glance and a smile beneath a balcony , asked for the hand of his love for the father he had always denied physical contact , freedom .
Men of a time before going to work did not go to the bar, went under the balcony as a sort of good morning under the covers,
spent their days dreaming of their own princess, without dialogue is loved , fed by the little that could be.
The men once already had boyfriends family projects , sense of responsibility, and on the balconies already saw their children ....
Today there are more men than once , and you know why?
Why are not there more women on the balconies waiting for ....

Comments 1

Tanya Bartolini
10 years ago
in un balcone di un rondò Veneziano ad aspettare arrivi con tutta te stessa fino a raggiungere il suo cuore e quando sei convinta finalmente sei arrivata vorresti volare fino a raggiungere le stelle le farfalle iniziano a svolazzare fino allo stomaco e piangi ridi canti e vorresti stringerlo a te e senti che lui è li per te in un solo istante hai creduto al niente le farfalle non ci sono più hai toccato il cielo con un dito e ti accorgi che non era per te ma l'hai creduto così tanto ne eri convinta meglio l'amicizia quella quando c'è dura per sempre ogni notte chiedo al mio cuore di non pensarci più ma è come chiedere la luna di non brillare più con la delusione al cuore si va avanti ma per un solo istante è stato la tua realtà viviamo in mondo di sogni e come sogno deve rimanere ...

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