One day you will go ...
16 January 2014
One day you will go ...
I will have no more words he smiles
your soul passing in my heart
will be the sword that will make him bleed ..
We will silences
there will be anger and hatred
there will be the desire to take and still love each other .
One day you will go
and you already know that I can not stop
seek a tear in the eye
you will not see ...
seek the despair that hide
you will only see the strong man with a vacuum inside.
One day you will go ...
we are away and will hate the fate
seek in the eyes of those who do not love my memory
seek my perfume in her body ...
I 'll try again seek forever ....
I will try to silence your voice
your eyes in the sky
flowers in your bouquet
listen to our song and I'll come and find you soul ...
there ... deep inside, where he lives our love ...
One day you will go ...
and our eyes will fall away as our lips
there is only the hope that it will take us by the hand
the hope that one day our eyes will meet again
Maybe ... by mistake.
And then our hearts will go crazy increase their beats
we will be enough only for a moment
that is a second or an hour.
One day you will go I know ...
and it is as if both were to die
and then I'll tell you that you do not love , that I've never loved
but you do not believe love
you do not believe me ....

Comments 1

10 years ago
nurelhoda Artist
I tuoi scritti arrivano dritti al cuore e sono come una lama che riesce a farlo sanguinare. C'è tanta passione ed un amore immenso, che si vive una sola volta nella vita, e che forse solo pochi conoscono. Un amore talmente forte da annientare se stessi per l'altro. Un amore per il quale, anche se fa soffrire, vale la pena vivere, e anche morire

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