I lost the password of my adolescence
21 January 2014
I lost the password of my adolescence , one made of light-heartedness , innocence , love of life . Despite not knowing what love was , I had my love , gestures and caresses of my loved ones in any attentions that day filled my days . I lost the password for that piece of life experience, where the soul did not know the trick , where dreams were still hope, where a kiss still had a meaning. There are real lives that will not come back anymore, and even if I could remember the password of my adolescence today that life would never be the same, everything has changed, people have changed . Those dreams that first gave you today hope fill you only melancholy, that unconditional love with which you have grown , it has become today with the selfishness of people who only want to be loved. When you're a teenager, when you are a child , do you think that love has only one face, and if the words came fears had always understanding, the right word, they always had the taste of love. I lost the password of my adolescence , and my name was happiness. I tried to type it several times but it did not taste the same ...

Comments 1

Tanya Bartolini
10 years ago
nessuno al mondo scrive quello che il suo cuore detta come lo fai tu.. grazie sei entrato nel mio mondo come un angelo .. non vorrei mai e poi mai un angelo diverso da te .. tu crei amore .. tu sai quando è grande il tuo cuore solo chi sa amara sa fare tutto questo.. io vicino a te sparisco..io sono felice solo se tu sei felice amico mio.. ti voglio bene e te ne vorrò sempre ogni tua scelta giusta o sbagliata non è importante quando c'è sentimento ..io trovo tutto questo stupendo..la tua anima amica ...Tanyyyy sei grandeee arrivi a toccare i cuori di chi ti legge.. saper comprendere e perdonare una grande virtù...

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