Even animals have a soul
27 January 2014
One day a guy on the highway I saw an abandoned dog , shaking dirt ... hungry and thirsty ,
with sad eyes ...
those eyes seemed to say why they left me here ... ? I only gave love and affection, where I went wrong ... ? 'm Sure they'll be back , but the boy knew that those who had left would not return , he approached and the first thing c ... he did the dog ... it was a demonstration of affection ...
was not angry toward the human being , it was love from the start ...
The boy picked him up took him home , and after all the necessary care their life was full of affection , gave him a name ... jak
Was a labrador ... her fears had passed through years of mutual love ....
But one day he fell ill jak ,
after a few days he died , an immense loss for the boy , a big void after a few years you hear barking in the night , it was the voice of his dog, in the distance and felt he was not dreaming , after the surprise gets down the stairs and felt coming from the kitchen , opens the door and there is no
Still feels ... barking from behind the door to the garden ... it was still jak ,
but it opens in the garden and there is no jak ....
But the boy is sure that it is his dog, still feels strong without stopping barking behind a fence ...
when the boy approached the fence now far away from the house at that moment came the earthquake in Abruzzo ... His house was destroyed ...
jak stopped barking .
His soul had returned only to save those who had saved him .
Even animals have a soul and theirs is bigger than ours ....

Comments 2

10 years ago
nurelhoda Artist
Una storia dolcissima che fa bene al cuore!
Tanya Bartolini
10 years ago
mi hai commosso tantissimo lo so bene cosa vuol dire l'amore per i nostri amici animali è enorme la tua bellissima storia tocca il nostri cuori loro hanno un anima un cuore sono la parte più bella e vera di noi da bimba sono stata salvata da un cane stavo candendo da una rupe mi ha salvato da ragazza mi ha salvato un altro cane da un terremoto anche se piccolo ma la paura è stata grande da grande mi ha salvato Roky la vita da una depressione è stato vicino al mio cuore dopo la morte della mia mamma ululava nel suo letto sapeva che era volata in cielo sono i nostri più grandi amici.. non cìè amore più grande danno oer ricevere niente in cambio questa storia la porto nel mio cuore per sempre .. grazie Davide un insegmamento per non abbandonarli ... Tanhyyyyy

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