The Music Lovers
28 January 2014
I have found that there is love,
the fact that no one can wipe away tears
to embrace missed, bodies desired
those smiles and walks invisible sitting on a chair
I have found that there is love made ​​of distances that can not be achieved
thoughts that come together in a fate that has divided the bodies that they can not touch each other.
I have found that there is love made ​​of dreams, stars to watch and pillows to hug, love to cherish in my heart, there where no one can touch them.
It exists,
hidden love that you can not tell anyone, you can not afford to live in the light of the sun,
love that when you live it you have stomach cramps, which makes you burst the heart,
it feeds on hope, but at the same time the "illusion".
I have found that there are feelings to be respected, to love that can only be dreamed, desired, and who ever lived.

Comments 1

10 years ago
nurelhoda Artist
E' l'amore più vero, l'amore più puro, che si accontenta di attimi in cui senti che quel sogno non è solo il tuo, in cui senti che se il destino ha voluto che due cuori si incontrassero ci deve essere un motivo, e che un giorno quell'amore non sarà più solo dolci pensieri e di illusioni

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