The woman of
07 February 2014
Of her I "loved" your carefree smile
his curiosity , his reason ...
the " lie" behind the smile
the mask worn by woman who bears
crying , when everybody goes
when the lights go out
when it comes silence in the empty room .
She is the reason that you can not stand but it does not weigh
her with its moments and the desire to get away from it all
then tell me Find me, take me away
Amato and she has given us life , and life did not give him the love
she is the selflessness of people who do not want to understand it
she is not the Ti Amo , but loves deeply.
She was not born to suffer but to be Loved
each instant
caressed gently as if it were a crystal
so beautiful and cold as snow, delicate
she is so beautiful fragile
her ....
white as the moon of dreams.
I can only love you
my soul feels
that in your words broken and cold hides a warm heart
that only caressing and loving it
will melt in my arms
in my breath ....
I do not know why I love you
but I know that behind that smile carefree
there was a heart crying
I could feel it inside
and only love could warm it up every day .
And then you smile love
smile my love
I love your " lie"
I'll be in the understanding of those who do not understand ....
I'll be in that empty room to keep you company
I'll nell'angolino your heart
always ready to give him the beating of love
and when one day your eyes will weep
tears of love
I will dry them with my kisses
that day and smile together

Comments 2

10 years ago
nurelhoda Artist
Spesso si nasconde dietro ad un sorriso una grande infelicità. Lo facciamo per non dare a vedere agli altri che abbiamo una morsa che ci stringe il petto, o forse per autodifesa, o per prendere semplicemente in giro noi stessi. Comunque sia, abbiamo in realtà un gran bisogno di essere capiti ed amati, ma vorremmo non doverlo chiedere
Tanya Bartolini
10 years ago
-Vorrei che tu prendessi in mano tutti i tuoi bellissimi sogni e che diventassero la tua grande realtà.. ti voglio bene,,, un bacio grande e grazie per tutto questo..per me tu sei speciale come tutto quello che crei ...Tanyyyyy

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