FinoaZumzeri first
26 February 2014
It is not easy to find unless you know where they are.
Improvise insurance adjusters for Marschinca Insurance, is not easy.
We accepted because they pay now , so we accepted their first phone call at our expense , the Marscinca Insurance pay, will pay if we finish the job.
" The YAYAMUZAR want to quantify the loss of platforms and spaceships : Find them and send us the pictures" so ended the phone call at our expense .
The first picture is this: the strong electromagnetic field ( the clouds ) , and the double helix painted : Who painted it ? , And as they have done ?
These two figures confirm that it is a platform integalattica , at least in my opinion.
According to my partner, no, we still can not say it, he's accurate.
It is not easy to find in the middle of the platforms integalattiche manufactured humanoids , and the architectural ambitions of administrators and architects amministratorie urbanoidi .
The shareholder dispute that integalattiche platforms are near the coils of corrugated tubes , and round bales : this is a piece of shit screams while making photos .
Screams in the office even against the phone bill : 5 how many three bosons at our expense .
Shall we photograph and identify up to Zumzeri platforms .

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