FinoaZumzeri fifth
12 March 2014
White sock goes / moves honesty / found technological voted martyr, you hear on the radio.
After a day back and forth, back and forth, back and forth to try to sell a shed to the Chinese, who are of Chinese, we stopped with a partner, you get tired to go to the bar to try to sell a shed in a Chinese that makes you a coffee, just need to think that in television you administer this Chinese economy, the Chinese buy Eni buy Terna, oh the Chinese copran everything, and then we would buy the shed to us, what shall we still catch the money from Mascinca .
We stopped in this open space, a little 'tired following a train of thought in silence track from an airplane, so I think it is difficult to try to force the world to make sense, finding coincidences but to me via a walkway with plato in front of a space platform, it seems a strange coincidence. Socks must be white, white sock goes.

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