FinoaZumzeri sixth
18 March 2014
After days vagolare for ditches and fields in search platforms , finally the first riunone with Marscinka .
While there anytime but that the photograph down there , it will be a platform galactic mica that there?
We have started to hear voices, rather than a separate talk was a pissi pissi that came from who knows where , and there also seemed strange to be able to hear the pispigliare , as were we in the open air , and saw that there is a close pigsty where they feel constantly verses , verses of agony and choking sounds.
Trying to figure out vagolato we have a little ' round, as long as there siam approached the silos, which amplified the pispigliare : We briefing gentlemen , yes you heard from a pipe coming out of the silos.
But before we bill , screamed partner in the corrugated pipe , striking hand-full more times the silos, as to give speed and a engorgement of reasons accounting verses , the verses of suffocation pigs.
While the socio screamed and hit the silos , I thought that they were in the tower Marscinca Menozzi , and that their writing was a warning to us : less idleness .

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