FinoaZumzeri eighth
26 March 2014
Now tell me why I should continue to keep you ? - Said the member.
Since you took this job are more trouble than revenue ,
we turn to roam the countryside in search of galactic platforms for an insurance company that speaks intergalactic or corrugated pipes , or we will charge the phone calls, and if that was not enough we are going to sell the sheds in the bars of the Chinese do not buy them , more to follow your ideas bussiness , not to mention the fact that among those who know anyone there understand a shit in your reports unpacked , not capsicono what is the difference between a wall unit , a water tower , between a spaceship and a platform integalattica , at the bar or at the gas station while fans struggle to keep talking about these things , only the Splunchen understood , only that she could understand you and your fucking bees, and the fucking parrucchierino general mager dell'outlet sperso most of the world, and now who the fuck is this David Hockney who puts his hand to my photos ?

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