Mariaconcetta Giuntini
Artist, Firenze, Italy, joined 10 years ago
17 February 2015
The performance is part of the installation "inwardness" - which takes its name - created by the artist for the exhibition INSIDE OUT. Photos, drawings, texts and other materia stage an abysmal depth, in which the body is placed "on the edge" of the presence, at the limit of paradox because it's present...Read all
10 October 2014
23 September 2014
Inside out
comparing three artists: Daniele Magnani, Mariaconcetta Giuntini, Valentina Rimauro
"Inside Out" is an exhibition that wants to enhance the interaction between the arts and the personal experience, trying to transform intimate messages identity in artistic works accessible common observer,...Read all
20 July 2014
CAMPIGLIA June 5, 2014 - It is not a fresco, a mural is, but if you want to convey the impression that you feel when you are in front of the kindergarten Rainbow Venturina Terme to fresco is probably the best word makes the idea. The difference lies in the technique, not in the quality and guarantee...Read all
20 July 2014
Nossa Senhora da Piedade foi retratada em afresco pela italiana Mariaconcetta Giuntini e Daniele Magnani (Foto: Felipe Ribeiro/JC Imagem)
photo 1: Mariaconcetta Giuntini
photo 2: Daniele Magnani
18 July 2014
"On the Way to the Big Woods ..." is a work of painting performed by students of the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, for kindergarten Rainbow Venturina Terme, Campiglia (LI).
The project of upgrading the exterior facades of the school was created by the joint request of the school and of the...Read all