FREE On Line Collective Exhibition 2015 on only 3 places still available!
10 December 2014
Remain only 3 places available for the collective exhibition. please, anyone who wants to participate send your request as soon as possible.

We should remember that it is a virtual exhibition then it is sufficient to send images of your work.

To participate you will just send an email to "" with the subject “Request to participation of the first FREE collective virtual exhibition 2015" and the text "I want to participate in your first virtual exhibition 2015 with the following attached works" and attach to email n. 3 images (.jpg or .png, max width 500px and max height 500px) relative to the works.
Very Important: For each of the three works specify in the text of email: title, technique, size and price.
Potential buyers of works come into contact directly with the artists. VirArtgallery not asking any compensation or commission but only an eventual free donation as thank.
All the artists selected will be contacted by mail with all the details about the date of opening of the exhibition.
Sending the request to participate you accept our terms and conditions described on our site


Comments 1

VirArt Gallery
10 years ago
VirArt Gallery Curator, Gallery, Organizer
we are starting to select the artists who will participate to our first collective exhibition by the end of January 2015 will be chosen participants and set up the virtual exhibition on Happy 2015!

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