27 July 2015
You came into my life
in a moment that I swore to myself
not to fall in love more
disappointed by love
and you arrive ..
and I came back
to walk again
with a smile and dream ..
but that's how it was love
always sincere
this reality.

Love is not easy,
there will always be obstacles to overcome,
between us,
our happy hearts I love you,
do not judge me
only with dreams and my fragile heart,
This is my truth,
my way of loving,
anything else is in your hands if you accept me,
as I am, with my defects and virtues of the body,
mind and soul, I will be only yours ..

Your woman ..
The most bell'essere of creation ...
Prelude to a Kiss,
able to love and forgive
the man and his imperfections,
woman incomparable beauty
a born fighter for rights.

A woman to give birth
fragrance of a thousand flowers skin
the voice melodies unknown
between magical rainbows that adorn the eyes
and passion overflows in their progression in life
everything is love, where everything is missing ...

You know you're my guide in the darkness
you're my desire,
my last chance.
If you know that I love you
you also know that I come again to dream
and never allow
I can love again after you ..

We will live in a house
made of love
supported by the sweetness
protected with confidence
built happily
live in our castle
to never leave.
and enjoy the love for eternity.
© All rights reserved

Comments 1

Paula Haapalahti
8 years ago
Paula Haapalahti Artist, Photographer, Video artist
Love how beautiful is the feeling...

Lovely poem!


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