03 October 2016
January 21 to February 28 Former Convent of the Poor Clares, Massa Marittima, Grosseto / Italy
Costabile Guariglia
Trascorrenze is a project designed for the spaces of the Convent of the Poor Clares of Massa Marittima as an open art work that explores the concept of time / life; that expresses a symbiosis with nature; that take a place, a space, passing over the mente.Trascorrenze wants to be a project that began as a new feeling of a fantasy that crosses from one image to another, from one dream; that goes beyond those limits set by the rules, the sense of balance, the self-control; that does not do violence to the nature that goes beyond the limits of his own nature.
The project aims to demonstrate the existence project, such as an interchange area between artists, as an irreplaceable online guide to the works of the artists, of which want to follow the jagged and cohesive itinerary.
This event is the creation of an imaginary space of communication between the artist, the arts and the viewer. A project on the theme of extraordinary impact that has caused among others the interest of filmmakers engaged as the exiled Andrei Tarkovsky with the realization of Nostalgie movie where the focal point of his research centered on time.
As observed by Celant in Offmedia (1977): "Our artistic expressions multiply indefinitely in infinite directions, the horizon lines; they should seek a cosmetic for which the picture is no longer painting, sculpture no longer sculpted, the printed page comes out of his typographical form. We space we feel the artists of today, because of the technical achievements are now at the service that we profess. "
That's why, in Trascorrenze, the approach course more correct on the hermeneutic level is the one that takes advantage of a key visual reading, the resources of a multiple interpretation that take into account its multi-faceted character, multifaceted, multidisciplinary, with a strong cohesive, where the interpretation of a work of art can not be separated from the philosophical questions and his ties with the universe. The various levels - pictorial, literary, political, philosophical and anthropological - are constantly intertwine, collide in the most dense thematic nodes, where the image or the idea grows and progressively defines, in various modes of expression, in the unfolding of a unique that takes shape gradually, in a context, in a reflection, in the space of verse or a narrative song. Perhaps, then, a partial salvation, momentary, witness, can come from art, from its being soul sentiment least because the conscience is free and you do not ottundano definitely.

Partner: Furnace Falcone, Salerno Nea Space, Naples - Corpo6 Galery, Berlin - Micro Visual Arts, Rome

With the support of the City of Massa Marittima (GR) - Experiences of theatrical anthropology of Cultural Affairs

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