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Comments 10

RELLA Maria Pia = SpaziOfficina
10 years ago
...apprezzando..un Evento da me Organizzato al Castello Aldobrandeschi Colacchioni a Capalbio "OPERE & OPERE" Dal 6 al 12 LUGLIO p.v. fino a 12 Opere per Artista con Cataloghi e Servizi...mi farebbero piacere esporre Opere come le tue...un cordiale saluto
Helga Kalversberg
14 years ago
stupendo le tue sculpture.
rodolfo mancarella
14 years ago
grazie per la preferenza e un piacere e complimenti per le tue opere molto interessanti
Silvia Logi
15 years ago
Silvia Logi Artist
Ciao Cristina! Mi sono nuovamente imbattuta nella tua pagina "girellando" in questo mondo Celeste.. le tue opere mi affascinano davvero bocca al lupo per la tua nuova mostra... Ciao Silvia
romi angelo gatti
15 years ago
romi angelo gatti Art lover
grazie per la tua amicizia!
gian luca groppi
15 years ago
Ciao Cristina grazie per amicizia
15 years ago
Suddenly, few days ago, we have been informed that, besides friendships and favourite-artworks, we can also DELETE comments we received, … just by pushing some buttons…
I was really confused once more and I was asking myself what kind of Human behaviour is that…
I’m familiar, as an Architect and Artist, to various computer programmes, but not as a human being… The world of computer-communication was totally unknown to me, up to now, and it’s very different, I have to admit, from the real world I’m used to live!
It’s a world mostly full of confused moods, without any real feelings! It’s a world of indifference, inconsistency and insecurity! It’s a world, sometimes even full of negativity, ill minded and dangerous behaviours!
Now that I start to understand how it functions, I’m determined to change it, by changing in me the adopted patterns.
For example there is no reason at all to become at first “friends” in order to exchange later on some thoughts, feelings and senses… The fear of refusal of a so called “friendship request” (as if Friendship is a question of request and confirmation), as well as any other kind of fear, is totally inhuman!!!
Next year’s Exhibition is a unique opportunity to realise that Human communication, through computers, is a very serious “business” to deal with, if we do not wish to become (robot) machines and develop our selves as Humans…
FRIENDSHIP (Real Human Communication and Human Relations) is the quintessence of Life, Love and Art, which no kind of machine, even the most highly structured, could ever be able to eliminate …

Frank FK
15 years ago
Frank FK Artist
ciao Cristina
piacere di conoscerti, complimenti per le tue opere
Experience of life with  Emily Eunjue Hayes
16 years ago
Thank you very much for your reply and your kind friendship Cristina.
You are one kind friend to reply back to share your warm friendship.
I find no problem with your English.
Language is our feelings. If any one speak from their heart, what more is there to ask?
I am not good with my English either : )
but I will write my heart down on the papper at any time.
Thank you very much for kindness and your warm freindship.
Have a wonderful day my dear friend Cristina.

Your friend emily eunjue hayes
Experience of life with  Emily Eunjue Hayes
16 years ago
Wonderful meeting you Cristina Constanzo.
Life less ordinary. we are the people, no different from others in this world to share our common understanding through our creation humbly. That is true definition of true artist. An artist is some one who express love from their heart to share and I am so happy to meet you through your sharing.

Your friend emily eunjue hayes

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