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Comments 14

Maria Nobili
15 years ago
Maria Nobili Artist
Hi, your picture is beautiful!! Thanks for including my work among your favorites.
Alfonso Siracusa
15 years ago

Coral Cara, obrigado pela amizade e pela preferência dos trabalhos, um sorriso Alfonso
P.S. se quiser, pode votarmi!
15 years ago
Someone is crying out for a friend, an e-friend, even if he/she will disappear next second… Someone is thankful for a friendship request, an e-request, even if it doesn’t last… The need of being Friend with someone –anyone– is so huge that even its illusion is enough to make someone happy for a moment… And really how much it hurts when this tasteless “friendship” boils away and disappears –something expected from the beginning– as if it never existed… And all that just by sitting in front of a screen and pushing buttons…
I wonder where is the meaning of a “friendship” between artists when there is no mutual admiration or at least acceptance of their artistic work… In my opinion there is a lot of hypocrisy, personal “profit” and selfishness… Friendship is not a horrifying computer game…
By choosing a friend, even an e-friend, I think there is no need to study the “quality” and expression of his/her work, but to look carefully at the expression and pain of his/her face…We are not in need of “fancy” artists, but we are in great need of sensitive men and women, who can be creative and useful, for a better society…
Andrea Ladogana
15 years ago
obrigado pela vossa preferência Coral ..
Quando você entrar na Itália?
Valentyna Yevteyeva
15 years ago
Grazie infinite per la tua preferenza!
Con un profondo senso di gratitudine
Andrea Ladogana
15 years ago
Graças Coral, para a sua preferência

Valeria Bovo
15 years ago
Valeria Bovo Artist
Hi Coral! thank you for the preference! muito obrigada!
Davide Robert Ross
15 years ago
hello, Thank you for your preference!
Jo Ravizzotti
15 years ago
Jo Ravizzotti Artist
Hi Coral. Thank you for loving my painting and for having pointed uot my work among the preferred one.
Jo Ravizzotti
15 years ago
Jo Ravizzotti Artist
Hi Coral. Thanks for friendship. Smile. Jo
Coral Grace
15 years ago
Coral Grace Art lover
Dear Friends, thanks for all the adds and all the messages !!!
congratulations to all of you talented artists ! Auguri a tutti!!
15 years ago
Obrigado Coral,
uma consideração afetuosa.
giuseppe zollo
16 years ago
thanks for your friendship...
your picture is full of joyful colors...

art is joy!
beautiful colors for you...
Coral Grace
16 years ago
Coral Grace Art lover
Thanks to all my new friends for the emails and nice comments .. i must say your work is fantastic ! i am working a lot so no time to be online !!! all the best to you all! Auguri !!

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