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Comments 43

monika mazur
14 years ago
monika mazur Artist
Gianni D'Onofrio
Monika Natalia Mazur
Alessandro Papari
Walton Zed
Opening è il titolo del primo progetto espositivo della neo-nata In Form of Art Gallery.
15 years ago
Have you got this message?
Are you interested in participating in an International Group Exhibition late next year (2010) in Athens???
If yes, then have a look on my C Studio Events(1)...
Keep in touch and take care, yours Takis
cristina pennacchi
15 years ago
Gazie per aver inserito il mio quadro tra i tuoi preferiti.Complimenti per il tuo lavoro.
Ciao Cristina
marco simola
15 years ago
marco simola Artist
ti invito a visitare questo link,
sto partecipando ad un concorso. se ti piace il mio lavoro per favore dammi il tuo voto e proponilo ai tuoi contatti.
molte grazie e in bocca al lupo.
Monica Metsers
15 years ago
Thankyou very much :)
15 years ago
Indifference leads to barbarity and barbarity to catastrophe and pain… The only way, as I see it, to stop this ill luck, is not anger and aggression, but honesty and love, the words of heart we exchange the last few weeks, not only between professionals but also with amateurs, collectors, galleries, critics, journalists and visitors… For me it was and still remains a unique experience –a “job” I took seriously– and I am very grateful to all of you, MY FRIENDS, for that!… From over a thousand friends (and favourite works), one out of ten found the time to exchange some honest and kind words… This ratio, I would say, is a good one, because if one out of ten artists of the world has this elementary sensibility, the future of the blue planet earth seems to be in good hands… Be always touched with Life, yours Takis
Alice Valenti
15 years ago
Alice Valenti Artist
Trovo sempre te laddove qualcosa mi conquista...
che affinità elettiva, perbacco! Alice
Francesca Ancona
15 years ago
Ciao grazie per la tua amicizia!! Pugliese come me vedo :)
15 years ago
Hi Isovni,
Beautiful inspirational painting
Best wishes,
Google Basil Colin Frank
Kazuyo Y
15 years ago
Kazuyo Y Artist
Thanks a lot for the lovery works and friendship!

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