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Comments 11

Giuseppe Figliuzzi
12 years ago
Grazie mille!
Gianpaolo Marchesi
12 years ago
Ciao. Grazie per l'amicizia e complimenti per la tua produzione artistica. Grazie per la preferenza.
12 years ago
Mi piacciono molto le tue opere moderne e originali.
12 years ago
Nicci Artist, Designer, Painter
Hello Alek, thank you very much for accepting my friendship request and for your acknowledgement. See you!
Rudolf Lichtenegger
12 years ago
Thank you so much for accepting friendship and putting my painting to your favourites.
Kind regards,
Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
ciao, grazie per l'amicizia alla nostra associazione
Luca Grs
13 years ago
Luca Grs Artist, Graphic artist
Congratulations for the Prize (and thanks for your preference:)
Luca Grs
13 years ago
Luca Grs Artist, Graphic artist
Congratulations for the Prize (and for your preference too:)
francesca ferreri
13 years ago
thank you Alex for friendship and your preference...good luck with the Prize! Francesca
Silvio Zangarini
13 years ago
Thanks for your frienship, hope to meet you one day.


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