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Comments 17

Giorgio Fileni
10 years ago
Grazie a te per l'amicizia!!Ciao Tim!!
Anna Di Leo
11 years ago
Anna Di Leo Artist
Thank you Tim for accepting me amongst your friends.
Maria Elena  Ritorto
11 years ago
Thanks to you for accepting hello and congratulations for your works. Elena
11 years ago
Nicci Artist, Designer, Painter
Hello Timothy, thank you so much for your compliment, as well as the favourite!!:)))
Teresa Palombini
11 years ago
GRAZIE 1000!!
Buona giornata.
Lino Bianco
11 years ago
Lino Bianco Artist
Beautiful works!
 Anna Scopece
11 years ago
Ciao Timothy, sono felice di averti tra i miei amici e complimenti per la tua bell'arte !!!
Francesco Fasano
11 years ago
thank you very much Timothy
Francesco Fasano
11 years ago
thank you very much Timothy
Alice Bernardi
11 years ago
thanks so much Timothy!!
Claudio Rampin
11 years ago
Amazing! Claudio
Emiliano Gambardella
11 years ago
Thank you too Timothy
11 years ago
Nicci Artist, Designer, Painter
Hi Timothy, thank you for your friendship request :-)
Andrea da Montefeltro
11 years ago
Nice to meet you

Excellent work
11 years ago
Nicci Artist, Designer, Painter
Hello Timothy, thank you very much for your compliment and the favourite!!:)))
Rudolf Lichtenegger
11 years ago
HI Timothy, a big thanks for your kind and appreciating comments!!:))))
Rudolf Lichtenegger
11 years ago
Hello Timothy, thank you very much for accepting my friendship request - cordially welcome to my circle of friends. Compliments to your artworks!
Have a great day!
Kind regards,

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