Buongiorno ti ringrazio con tutto il cuore sai è stata una bellissima emozionante sorpresa anche per me sapere che le mie semplici magie sono diventate un musical..grazie sei sempre buona e gentile con me ...un dolce bacio al tuo cuore....Tanya!!!:D
grazie di cuore per tutto per me è un grande onore averti nelle mie magie ...grazie ne sono contenta tantissimi complimenti....Tanyaa:-))))))) grazieeeeeeee
Dear Anneli, thank you so much for your Preference and your kind comment to my event - and yes, I will take part directly.
I hope that we will meet at another event!
Best regards,
..ti ringrazio e mi fà piacere far parte dei tuoi contatti ed amici...e poi chissà potremmo collaborare prossimamente con l'Evento da me organizzato ARTE AL...CENTRO nel Centro Storico di Roma per 6 Opere ad Artista, Catalogo e Servizi...ne sarei felice...un cordialissimo saluto
..ti ringrazio e mi fà piacere far parte dei tuoi contatti ed amici...e poi chissà potremmo collaborare prossimamente con l'Evento da me organizzato ARTE AL...CENTRO nel Centro Storico di Roma per 6 Opere ad Artista, Catalogo e Servizi...ne sarei felice...un cordialissimo saluto
Hello, look this initiative to help grow and spread free art for everyone
Workshop online
to realize a group work / exhibition
from September 1 to November 29, 2013
The Review of Contemporary Art "Gesto Segno Disegno" at the 9th day of Contemporary Art organized by AMACI (Association of Museums d 'Arte Contemporanea Italian) is building a online workshops with the purpose of creating a work of art company, which later became a traveling group show.
By filling in a form http://www.federicocozzucoli.net/Sainte%20Chapelle_istruzioni%20e%20form%20per%20la%20partecipazione%20al%20workshop.pdf anyone interested will be able to modify the work starting with the title "Sainte Chapelle".
Dear Anneli, thank you very much for adding my artwork to your favourites!
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Kindest greetings,
Dear Anneli, thank you so much for adding my artworks to your favourites. Compliments to your wonderful artworks!
Have a nice Saturday and a great weekend!
Kindest greetings,
Thank you very much for accepting my friendship request, for your kind comment and for adding my artwork to your favourites. Compliments to your artworks!!
I wish you a nice day!
Kindest greetings,
Comments 233
thank you so much for 'liking' my Exhibition Event!
Buone cose.
Buone cose.
Frriendly Nanouk :)))
Thank you very much for your preference!
Kindest greetings,
see you soon !!!
Buona serata
Un saluto
Buona serata,
Buone cose, ciao.
Have a nice week end
Buona arte a te!
I hope that we will meet at another event!
Best regards,
Lo Spazio Priuli Bon è a disposizione per le tue esigenze espositive
max ^_^
Un saluto e una serena Pasqua !
max ^_^
and thank you so much for choosing one of my paintings!
Workshop online
to realize a group work / exhibition
from September 1 to November 29, 2013
The Review of Contemporary Art "Gesto Segno Disegno" at the 9th day of Contemporary Art organized by AMACI (Association of Museums d 'Arte Contemporanea Italian) is building a online workshops with the purpose of creating a work of art company, which later became a traveling group show.
By filling in a form http://www.federicocozzucoli.net/Sainte%20Chapelle_istruzioni%20e%20form%20per%20la%20partecipazione%20al%20workshop.pdf anyone interested will be able to modify the work starting with the title "Sainte Chapelle".
nice to meet you
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Kindest greetings,
Kindest greetings,
Have a nice Saturday and a great weekend!
Kindest greetings,
I wish you a nice day!
Kindest greetings,
Say something