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Comments 11

12 years ago
Thank's for your friendship
Simone Stawicki
12 years ago
Thank you for your friendship
12 years ago
Complimenti per le tue opere piene di sentimento e frutto di originalità creativa.
B. R. (Interforma)
12 years ago
B. R. (Interforma) Live media artist, Organizer
Saludos, Nerv Gallery.
Lucia Ghirardi
12 years ago
Grazie dell'amicizia!
Birgit Oestergaard
12 years ago
Thanks for accepting freindship and all the best to you and your work. X Birgit
Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
grazie per l'amicizia alla nostra associazione
Corrado Delfini
12 years ago
Grazieeeee New Gallery!!!
Lauro Pedraza
12 years ago
Lauro Pedraza Artist
Nerv Gallery, thank you so much for accepting the invite! my best regards!
Rudolf Lichtenegger
12 years ago
Thank you for your friendship!
francisco Dias do nascimento
12 years ago
thanks for giving me your friendship
Best Regards,Francisco

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