Paratissima Bologna Art Fair
Exhibitions, Italy, Bologna, 01 February 2019
Paratissima returns to Bologna for the second edition of Paratissima Bologna Art Fair!

The event, also this year, takes place concurrently with Arte Fiera and the Art Week from 1 to 3 February 2019.

This time Paratissima is hosted in a different location, but the mission of promoting emerging talents remains the same: after the experience at the IAAD headquarters, Paratissima arrives this year at Magazzini Romagnoli, a former industrial warehouse that will become an incubator of creativity.

"Expeausition_" is the concept of this year's group exhibition, a celebration of the skin as a tool for more immediate communication to draw individuality through the most varied declinations.

To enrich the artistic offer, the presence of independent spaces curated by single or collective artists and contemporary Art Galleries: even in Bologna, Paratissima thus confirms its connotation of hybrid event, open to any form of art and participation.

Paratissima awaits you in Bologna from 1 to 3 February, save the date!

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