Collective exhibition "IMAGO" Angelica Library
Exhibitions, Italy, Roma, 18 November 2017
Selected artwork - "GAMBIT" , oil on canvas.
Organization and Design - Anna Isopo, Borgo Art Gallery & Monica Ferrarini, Ass. M.F.eventi

"The Angelica Library is located in Rome at Piazza Sant'Agostino, near Piazza Navona. Open in 1604s considered at European level, together with the Ambrosiana Library in Milan and the Bodleiana Library in Oxford, as one of the first and clear examples of a public library, or an institution created with the clear intention of providing access to books at a community of readers as wide as possible. "
The Library has a large gallery that regularly hosts high-level art exhibitions.
"The title of the exhibition focuses on the Latin term "Imago": image, but also dream, vision, spirit, allegory ... The term is enriched of deep meanings since, at the beginning of the twentieth century, Jung introduced its use in psychoanalysis and consequently in psychiatry.
Hence the term begins to indicate the unconscious images of how an individual perceives the other and what they relate to. In reference to all this, art becomes a means, a creative expression to give rise to our perceptions and which, through different expressive codes, gives shape and color to our introspections. "

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Comments 2

Nanouk Reicht
7 years ago
Nanouk Reicht Art lover
Félicitations !
7 years ago
Cat Photographer

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