Book-Dance Workshop
Workshops , Taiwan, Taipei, 08 November 2015
This project was executed with our “Relationship Studio” as an exhibit work answering the invitation from Escents Bookcase, who as the exhibition curator had come up with the core concept: to let artists meet with a book and see how new ideas would sparkle within their interaction. The assignment for our group is “1493: Uncovering the New World Columbus Created” by Charles C. Mann.

Since the book features the reconstruction of the timescale as an analysis method on knowledge genealogy research, I attempted to begin with the analysis of the characteristic of the exhibition space, and thus, I decided to regard the book store as a knowledge economy. Then, I started to capture peoples’ imaginations about the possibility of a book store under different knowledge genealogies through the method of verbal communication, binding those ideas into a book, and restoring it back to the book store space. Meanwhile, through another discussion with regard to dancers, we also managed to practice a dance workshop in the same exhibition space.

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