Plastic Caves
Exhibitions, Italy, Palermo, 16 August 2010
Come and see the Artistic Installation “Plastic Caves” by Andrea Mineo at the Alessandro Bazan Atelier-Studio .

This is an invitation for you to intervene and interact re-interpreting your relationship with space surrounding you . Plastic Caves 's aim is the modifying of the perception of common elements (Object empathy) and destroying of expectations giving back another identity to the element ( by re-shaping already existing objects ). Andrea's work is aimed towards the creation of entire natural-artificial systems that are created according to "man's Size" , bringing you to the reflection about questions and problems regarding vital, physical psychic and mental space which is continuously compressed. The price to pay for our civilization and the "wellness in the world”. Plastic Caves born like a refuge end meditation place to re-stablish inner space.

OVER-production , UN-production excesses and mental Abscesses , unavoidably, are transferred in A denial of “Space to the Thought” of a tired society. I invite you and claim “Space to the Though” now.
Open from August 2010 and further.
Visit time is flexible please phone 3206037875 or 3924739709

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