The Originals
Exhibitions, United States, New York City, 06 November 2017
The New York based G. Art Agency, Llc. presents the The Originals | November 6 - 18, has selected works of artists from USA, Europe, Japan, Australia and RossoCinabro Gallery in Rome in an itinerant show in New York. All the works are unique pieces.
The event gives a great opportunity to invest into international art, and is a showcase of the well-established artist as well as young talent. Visitors can expect a variety of paintings, photography art, urban art and sculptures in different styles. The exhibition is curated by Joe Hansen.

Artists: Renate Anding, Helga Borbás, Elda Calabrese, Daniele Calvani, Alan Cariddi, Laura Casini, Celina, Cicily, Dino Coffani, EDMX Montanari, Maria Emilov, Giovanna Fabretti, Francesca Guetta, Lynn Jaanz, Osamu Jinguji, Agnieszka Konopka, Mirella La Rosa, Lady Yupiigold, Sybille Lampe, Lisa J Levasseur, LEX, Giacoma Lo Coco, Stjepko Mamic, Vincenzo Messina, Elvio Miressi, Päivyt Niemeläinen, Mirja Birgitta Nuutinen, Anja Stella Ólafsdóttir, Daniela Rebecchi, Elke Reis, Christina Steinwendtner, Linda Syvertsen, Gitana Vaicyte, Anouk Wolse, Yalim Yildirim, Ziba Moasser

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