Residenti (Residents)
Exhibitions, Italy, Roma, 22 October 2018

22nd - 31st October, 2018

This event is included in Rome Art Week programme 2018 Rome Art Week 2018

This exhibition of original artwork explores the diversity of the topics highlight the cultural heritage of thirty-four artists from a selection program that Rossocinabro exhibit along with works from the Gallery’s permanent collection Forty pieces of original artwork are divided into five categories - painting, drawing, photograph, graphics, sculpture - depict a variety of art styles and mediums. Users can find the website by artist, alphabetically or by category (figurative paintings, abstract and informal paintings, photograph, digital art, sculpture)

The event gives a great opportunity to invest into international art, and is a showcase of the well-established artist as well as young talent. Visitors can expect a variety of paintings, photography art, sculptures, in different styles and media.

Artists: Janice Alamanou, Jonathan Alfaro, Graciela Danese, Maria De Vido, Jari Di Giampietro, Onno Dröge, Eivor Ewalds, Ana Paola González, Linda Grool, Gul Durmayaz Guducu, Andreina Guerrieri, Sabine Heetebrij, Gary Hopkins, Osamu Jinguji, Stefanie Kamrath, Aleksandra Kosoń, Ioanna Konstantinou, Judy Lange, Lisa J Levasseur, LiV, Walter Marin, Alexandra Mekhanik, Mikesch, Betsie Miller-Kunsz, Paris Leroy, Edna Piorko, Irena Procházková, Daniela Rebecchi, Sandra Schawalder, Shigeru K, Gladys Sica, Ildikó Terebesi, Anthony Vella, Ulla Wobst

Curated by Cristina Madini

Mon - Fri 11am - 7pm

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