RESERVED TO ARTISTS ... .. DRINK WITH ART ... December 4, 2016 in SpaziOfficina, Rome
News, Italy, Roma, 04 December 2016
from 10.00 to 13.00 where every artist, having given ABOVE ITS MEMBERSHIP EMAIL to with photo Opera intending Expose after Confirmation will bring its work and will be able to expose it in the SPAZIOFFICINA environments, in a Free and Free, as I find it useful to share with our opportunity Works and knowledge among artists in addition to Toast to the pleasure of the meeting ... NEXT EXHIBITION aND MEETING FEBRUARY 5, 2017

Artists who have joined and participated with their work in the exhibition are:
BERGAMINI Nadia, D'INNOCENZO Emanuela,, MAZZEO Dario, HEIDKAMP Federico..con where I had to share and inform on the new vision 'for Exhibitions and Fairs in 2017 Reserved to artists that they can participate ... like DRINK WITH ... ART

I want to be able to offer the pleasure of the meeting Opportunity Confidential ... in the same day but at different times: the Morning for ARTISTS, in the Afternoon for ART LOVERS, in SPAZIOFFICINA in my Libero Creative Laboratory in Rome, at the Nuovo Salario , via Montaione 38

FOR LOVERS OF ART ... MAY OPEN ART FREE from 16.00 to 19.00 AVRO WHERE 'THE PLEASURE TO WELCOME THOSE WHO MAKE AVAILABLE TO DIVE IN ATMOSPHERE AND ENVIRONMENT IDEAL ... BETWEEN MY WORKS ... that can be enjoyed and also purchased ... iN PROMOTION & DISCOUNT ... to get or make a gift Unique and unrepeatable ... do not use molds or casts ... ALL WORK aND 'UNIQUE aND ORIGINAL aS a RESULT oF MY ABILITY 'aND TECHNIQUES oF ART iN tHE YEARS tHAT HAVE FOUND tHE WAY tO GROW aND EVOLVE ... in the various techniques and Expressive mode using my hands as a Unique Tool ... from user Ceramics and Furniture, Sculpture , Oil Paintings on Wood.

For Scheduled Appointments in SPAZIOFFICINA, you must always ensure the effective opening and Confirm with a simple phone call to 328 2726700

They are available to Information or the Registration of in a Free and Free Artists, RELLA Maria Pia

Libero Creativo Laboratorio a Roma
328 2726700
Skype: spaziofficina

Comments 3

RELLA Maria Pia = SpaziOfficina
7 years ago
Con piacere hanno aderito e parteciperanno l'Artista BERGAMINI Nadia, D'INNOCENZO Emanuela, MAZZIERI Elisa, HEIDKAMP Federico, FORTUNATI Angela, MAZZEO Dario...per Brindare al piacere dell'Incontro tra le nostre Opere....per gli Artisti che vogliono Inserirsi cè ancora possibilità....
7 years ago
Cat Photographer
Nanouk Reicht
7 years ago
Nanouk Reicht Art lover
Complimenti !

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