Mastercup Nomination
Prize calls, United Kingdom, London, 29 October 2009
LONDON (November 2th) - Professional photographer Patrizia Dottori of Italy was presented with the 5th Annual Photography Masters Cup Nominee title in the category of Americana at a prestigious Nomination & Winners PhotoShow. The live online ceremony webcast Sunday, October 29, 2011 was attended by photography fans in 83 countries who logged on to see the climax of the industry's most important event for color photography.
The awards international Jury included captains of the industry ranging from Hasted Hunt Kraeutler in New York, Brancolini Grimaldi, David & Goliath, Simon Studer Art Associates, Stills Gallery to Christie's in London who honored Color Masters with 272 coveted title awards and 1099 nominees in 18 categories.
"It is an incredible achievement to be selected among the best from the 13,321 entries we received this year," said Basil O'Brien, the awards Creative Director. Patrizia Dottori's "Point of view", an exceptional image entered in the Americana category, represents contemporary color photography at its finest, and we're pleased to present her with the title of Nominee."
See the 5th Annual Winners & Nominees at
INTERNATIONAL COLOR AWARDS PHOTOGRAPHY MASTERS CUP is the leading international award honoring excellence in color photography. This celebrated event shines a spotlight on the best professional and amateur photographers worldwide and honors the finest images with the highest achievements in color photography.

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