First Look an Art in Mind Exhibition
Exhibitions, United Kingdom, London, 13 April 2011
Art in Mind is an ongoing group exhibition organised by The Brick Lane Gallery, offering emerging artists a platform to showcase their work to a fresh and growing London audience.
"First Look" hosts three works by Patrizia Dottori's Shinebergs'10|touchable|as|untouchable. The stone becomes ice, the ocher-colored earth, water and rocks lake, which sprout from the rocks as icebergs, turn blue, become sea water and ice. The reversal from positive to negative photo does not change the state of things: everything stays the same. Shineberg in nature is equal to itself. The negative of the positive seems Shineberg Fireberg: the end granite quarry turned into negative returns us to the Perito Moreno glacier.

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13 years ago
Patishere Artist
First Look
an Art in Mind Exhibition

Opening: 13 April 2011, 6 – 8.30 pm
Open daily 14 April – 24 April 2011, 1 – 6 pm

The Brick Lane Gallery - (Annexe)
93-95 Sclater Street, London E1 6HR

The Brick Lane Gallery
196 Brick Lane, London E1 6SA

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