Co-Existence 6
Exhibitions, Italy, Roma, 23 March 2019
The exhibition 'Co-Existence 6' will be a real concert, which will involve artists of various nationalities aimed at living and catching the eye on their nomadic thinking, on coexistence and slippage; they are all implemented with different techniques, and in the spirit of these they find the reason for unity. It is clear that the coexistence of various artistic languages that are correlated, interpenetrate and integrate, becomes an important parameter in the understanding and evaluation of artistic expressions of different cultural realities as a tool capable of providing a single reading key. The attention to different languages, knowledge, and exchange with others find concrete ways and privileged channels of realization precisely in artistic and expressive languages. Towards this conciliatory direction, therefore, the metamorphic capacity of art must be read, more and more aimed at probing the dynamics and alternating coexistence of oppositional systems with respect and recognition of otherness that requires effort and requires more mature reflection. Aspiring to start and promote, step by step, the search for a common reason, can, in fact, give an account of new possibilities for comparison and cultural growth.

Artists: Brian Avadka Colez, Carol Carpenter, Antonio Cillis, Carlo Alberto Cozzani, Benny De Grove, Shelby Dillon, Onno Dröge, Judy Filipich, Anna Freudenthaler, Lisbeth Glanfield, Ana Paola González, Marta Kisiliczyk, Erich Kovar, Carlos Mendoza, Paris Leroy, Paola Ponzellini, Giorgio Rizzi, Alice Scholte, Danguole Serstinskaja, Leuthard Seylech, Gladys Sica, Vincenza Spiridione, Jacqueline van der Grijn, Vanessa Elaine, Silvia Withöft-Foremny

Curator Cristina Madini

img: Sleeping light - ink on paper 63 x 48 cm - Anna Freudenthaler

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