One thing is certain when an idea starts to make its way, it sends recognizable physical and emotional signals as inspiration. Almost like an energetic and disembodied life form that interacts with those who want to work with it. Ideas are a creative force, they are something supernatural, mystical, inexplicable, surreal, divine, transcendent that give the human an enchanted, interesting and passionate existence.
Featured Artists: Florie Adda, Janice Alamanou, Brian Avadka Colez, Izabela Bierylo, Frank Briffa, Udi Cassirer, Wendy Cohen, Benny De Grove, Cees Dert, Onno Dröge, Judy Filipich, Stephan Fischnaller, Heidi Kaas, Ksenia Koloskova, Kinga Lapot-Dzierwa, Rosana Largo Rodríguez, Greta Lorimer, Candelaria Magliano, Yellena Mazin, Elise Mendelle, Bianca Neagu, Mehdi Oveisi, Ann Palmer, Ludwika Pilat, Sal Ponce Enrile, Irena Procházková, Daniela Rapisarda, Anna Reber, Joakim Sederholm, Merja Simberg, Christine Stettner, Taka & Megu, Petra Tiemann, HowardArthur Tweedie, Astrid Ufkes, Vanessa Elaine, Stéphane Vereecken, Diana Wahlborg, Anna Weichert, Mike Yang, Xingzi
Curator Cristina Madini
Via Raffaele Cadorna 28
00187 Roma
Tel 06 60658125
visitable form Mon to Fri 11am – 7pm
img: Leon's dream - digital photography direct shot Canson paper Infinity Baryta 310 gr 2010 by Candelaria Magliano
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