Lapsus - exhibition opens 16 May in Florence
Prize calls, Italy, Firenze, 16 May 2013
Open call for photographic and video works, entries by 28 February. Lapsus was born from an idea by the art critic Marinella Paderni, and is a collaboration between Celeste Network and Fondazione Studio Marangoni.

Lapsus invites photographers and videoartists to reflect on the ways in which works of art are created, especially in relation to new media, photography and video, which allow artists ever more technical and virtual perfection, at the risk of losing authenticity and uniqueness.

History of art shows us that many works were born of accidental 'mistakes' which occurred during the execution of a project, the taking of a picture or the recording of a video; such slips or lapsus' often occur without the knowledge of the author, who can use them as a point of strength in the final work.

This project also explores the idea of fate and destiny in relation to an artist and his or her artwork, dispelling the myth that a technological slip, error or failure can be determined or planned, instead elevating them to an aesthetic image that is a work of art.

Comments 1

12 years ago
Clavi Artist
Condivido...senza il "creatore", cioè l'artista, l'opera non esisterebbe!...

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