Leni Kae: In the Spirit of Light
Exhibitions, Australia, Sydney, 17 August 2009
Exhibition, Sydney Australia 17 Aug - 13 Sep 09
Opening Night Monday 17 Aug 6pm

"There is a beauty that comes from the spirit of ‘unity’, the idea that although we exist as individuals, we are inherently bound by uniting qualities such as human emotion, experience, and dreams." - Leni Kae (dip Colour Therapy)

It is such statements that uncover a layered complexity to Leni Kae's otherwise simplistic designs.

The Australian artist and trained colour therapist integrates an unmistakeable eye for design with colour psychology to produce works with powerful subconscious and sensual triggers. What stands is a stark reminder of the univeral bond we carry as human beings - emotion and memory.

Kae's latest collection "In the Spirit of Light" is no exception. The paintings visually explore the human and spiritual elements that tie us together. Colours and form urge an acknowledgment of inner spirit and strength, and set to provoke uniting human elements of thought and sensuality. www.thearthousehotel.com.au

The ArtHouse Hotel - The Gallery - Ground Level-275 Pitt St Sydney NSWS 2000

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