The Muse's Playground (Art In Mind)
Exhibitions, United Kingdom, London, 16 June 2010
Showing as part of the Art In Mind June exhibition at Brick Lane Gallery, Leni Kae will be showcasing a range of new works.

Part of her new collection titled “The Muse’s Playground” the playful tones and sensual shapes of Kae’s recent works take influence from the colourful and inspiring world of the Ancient Greek Muses. The paintings draw on the sensuality of inspiration, highlighting the moment that the muses tempt human passion. The collection aims to stand as an important reminder that we are all connected through our dreams, inspirations, aspirations, and ultimately our sense of passion.

OPENING/PREVIEW - Wednesday 16th June 6.30-8.30pm
EXHIBITION - From 17th June - 27 June
OPEN HOURS - 1pm-6pm daily.

The Brick Lane Gallery
196 Brick Lane | London | E1 6SA | UK
t: +44 (0) 207 729 9721

Image shown:Propensity for Desire, by Leni Kae (c) Oil on Linen

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