Come Fly With Me
Exhibitions, Australia, Sydney, 23 September 2010
"Like a bird that attempts to fly for the first time, it can never be sure of its success but rather only sure that flying is possible." Leni Kae

This is the theme to be explored in the latest set of works by international artist and colour therapist Leni Kae(

Leni Kae is an up and coming international artist and colour therapist who has successfully exhibited in New York, the Florence Biennale, London, and across Australia over the last 3 years. She was finalist in London's International Creative Competition, and UK's Aesthetica Magazine 50th Annual Works Competition, and her work has been featured in magazines, book covers, and feature interviews.

Join the artist for the show on opening night:

Opening: Thursday 23rd September 6pm – 9pm (drinks)
Weekend: Saturday 25th September 10am – 4pm

Leni Kae
Studio 27
23 May Street,
St Peters NSW

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