ART PRIZE Symbolism of Water
Prize calls, Italy, Milano, 07 January 2014
ART PRIZE Symbolism of Water


Art 1 - Aim
The Association "La Casa delle Artiste" organizes an art contest aiming at promoting contemporary art by giving to artists the opportunity to introduce their artwork into a special event in the centre of Milan.
The prize consists in a exhibition held at the "Ex Fornace" exhibition area in Milan, Via Alzaia naviglio Pavese No. 16 from March 28 to April 1, 2014.
Participants can choose one of the following five sections: Painting, Photography, Video, Sculpture and Installation, and Performance (performances will be showed one in each evening during the exhibition).
A total of 20 works will be selected for the exhibition.

Art 2 - Eligibility
The competition is open to anyone practicing art either as a professional artist in full-time or part-time, student artist or self-taught artist from anywhere in the world. There is no age limit for applicants and the prize is open to all artists regardless their qualifications and their experience in public or private exhibitions. The only limitation you have is to respect the main theme: "the water and its symbolism".
Artworks will be selected depending on their quality, uniqueness, technique and contemporary aesthetic.

Art 3 - Theme and techniques
The works submitted to the contest must adhere to the main theme entitled "Water and its symbolism" described in the following articles.
Water is the basis of every living thing. Humanity recognized its importance since ancient times, identifying it as one of the essential elements of the whole universe, and giving it different symbolic meanings according to habits, societies, religions and so forth.
Artworks can range from figurative to abstract, from conceptual to performance, without limiting freedom of expression but respecting the technical requirements for each category.

There are no style/technique limitations as long as it is a painting. You can paint with any kind of manual intervention. Media accepted: oil, acrylic, vinyl, watercolor, graphite, pencil, ink, illustrations, printing in its various forms, etc. The artwork can also have any kind of pre-printed support: canvas, paper, cardboard, wood, plastic, metal, etc. Techniques such as collage and multi-material applications are allowed. The maximum size allowed for each side of the work is 4x3 m frame included.

Media accepted: both digital and analogue photography; black and white or color and all modalities of photographic expression.
The maximum size allowed for each side of the work is 4x3 m frame included.

Work accepted: installation art of any type and material, multimedia installation, sculpture – all materials are allowed (both organic and inorganic), interactive installations with or without electricity connection, motorization, light, sound or video. Finalists chosen among this category, must provide all the necessary for installation and they must supervise it during preparation.
The maximum allowed dimension is 4x4 floor, 3 height.
Included videos must be in high quality and participants must provide all the necessary for reproduction (such as monitor, speakers, etc.).

This category concerns: video, short film, time lapse, stop motion, video dance, video theater, music videos, abstract videos, video portraits, any kind of animation 2d and 3d, any kind of combination between video, film and photography in motion.
The duration of the video must be at least 1 minute and must not exceed 30 minutes.
Selected videos must be in high quality and participants must provide all the necessary for reproduction (monitor, speakers, etc.).

Each artist or group of artists can participate with a performance. Performances can be made using any technique and expressive form. The duration of the performance must not exceed 30 minutes and will be presented live during the exhibition.

After selection, the best works will be shown in the final exhibition taking place at the "Ex Fornace” exhibition area in Milan, Via Alzaia Naviglio Pavese No. 16 from March 28 to April 1, 2014.
Selected artists will be included in a catalogue with illustrated works beside artist’s biographies.

Art 4 - Submissions & Deadline
Entry deadline is March 11, 2014.
The call for participation form can be downloaded at facebook page "la casa delle artiste” ( Participants can download the form, fill it out and send it to the following email address, including: a short biography of the artist, a photo of the artwork or, in the case of video and performance, a dvd or links.

After selection, we ask to final artists to deliver their own work to this address:
"Ex Fornace" in Milan, Via Alzaia Naviglio Pavese No. 16
only on march 27, 2014 (from 9:00 to 21:00).
In case of any delivery problem on that date, please contact our staff ( for alternative solutions.

Art 6 – Selections Panel
Selection will be made by a committee composed of competent members of the association and other experienced people external to the association.

Art 7 - Timetable and deadlines
_ March 11, 2014 Entry deadline.
_Within March 17, 2014 Announcement selected artists.
_27 and 28 March, 2014 delivery of works and preparation of the exhibition.

Art 8 - Liability
The Association "La casa delle artitste", while ensuring the utmost care of the works, disclaims any liability in case of theft, fire or any kind of damage that may occur during the event. Any insurance request will be signed by the artist himself.

Art 9 - Consent
Each participant expressly authorizes the Cultural Association "La casa delle artiste" to keep handle personal data and images of creative work submitted to the prize, according to Italian Law - Legge 675/96 (the so-called ‘Privacy Law’) and successive amendments to it, D.lgs 196/2003 (Codice Privacy), for the purposes of insertion of information in databases and websites.
Any controversies will be argued and settled in the Italian legal forum. Personal data, images of creative work, or films and videos taken by the Organizers during the course of any event organized by “La casa delle artiste”, might be used by the Organizers to promote artists, other contemporary art events, web promotion, communications, and marketing without necessarily seeking another written consent from third parties.
All materials submitted for selection will not be given back.
The Organizers retains the right to change the Terms & Conditions should the need arise if needed.
By applying to this contest you agree the terms and conditions reported above.

Via Lorenteggio 39, 20146 Milan
Facebook : la casa delle artiste

Comments 1

Barbara Ghisi
11 years ago
In bocca al lupo!!

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