on days 3 4 5 June 2011,
Castelvetro of Modena,
back to the appointment with Mercurdo,
the only art event in the world dedicated to the theme of absurd. Photography, theater, installation, video and graphics, more than three hundred and fifty young artists in Europe have submitted their works to the international competition organized by the association using all the disciplines available to develop a creative and personal in its vision of the absurd. Like every year, the best proposals were selected by a commission headed this time by the art critic Luca Panaro and become the protagonists of free exposure in which common sense, logic and common places are the focus of re-artistic interpretation.
The synergy of the Municipality of Modena and Castelvetro Mercurdo Association, in collaboration with ERT (Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione) for a
event in which art, installations, theater, video, exhibitions, music and food and wine but also become a means of exploring and celebrating a theme that makes the show unique.
An appointment to bring people all'accezione purest of "creativity"
what Berger called Alex in 2005 when he was Artistic Director of the event:
* "it is absurd to think to design thinking in a free, without needing to talk to someone or something, to show that we can release
by the categories of real and profit ... "*
I will be present at a banquet with Daria Bignozzi Small picture of novelty, quirky, by surprise :
<< I'll be waiting >> .
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