Exhibitions, Italy, Firenze, 07 June 2010
amy holmes george
double vision: a view of florence past & present
Mostra fotografica - Photographic Exhibition

7 - 24 giugno 2010 `79; June 7 - 24, 2010

Chiusura con l'artista: Giovedì 24 giugno ore 18:30
Closing reception with the artist: Thursday, June 24 at 6:30pm

La Galleria SACI è aperta dal Lunedì al Venerdì ore 9-19, sabato e domenica ore 13-19.
The SACI Gallery is open Monday to Friday 9am-7pm, Saturday & Sunday 1-7pm.

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The SACI Gallery is proud to present the photographic exhibition Double Vision: A View of Florence Past & Present by Amy Holmes George.

Double Vision: A View of Florence Past & Present is a Florentine rephotographic project based exclusively on the private collections of the world’s oldest photo archive, the Fratelli Alinari in Florence, Italy. Retracing the steps of the Alinari photographers, George visited significant sites within the city of Florence, rephotographed them from the same point of view using today’s digital technology and then printed the images in platinum/palladium, paying homage to a historical photographic process employed during the time of the Alinari. By pairing the original Alinari print from over a century ago with her current rephotographed version, the project offers a powerful statement of those things that change and also remain the same; a valuable visual contrast and comparison of the Florentine social life, architecture and cityscape as it once was and is now today. The apparent lack of change proved most impressive; a true testament to the Italian peoples’ commitment to preserving the integrity of their culture. While her visual research and documentation are based in Florence, George believes that the project concepts are internationally applicable. Through this rephotographic project, the artist hopes to build more awareness of the environment by acknowledging our “footprint” and the power we possess to protect and preserve our place in history.

This project was made possible with the support of a 2008 US-Italy Fulbright grant; Fondazione Studio Marangoni, the Center of Contemporary Photography in Florence who served as my host institution; and the Fratelli Alinari photo archive where George conducted her visual research during a four-month stay in Florence, Italy.

Amy Holmes George is a fine art photographer residing near Dallas, Texas, where she currently teaches at the University of North Texas and Collin College. Exhibited widely throughout the United States and in China, Amy's work has been featured in over eighty exhibitions and is housed in collections at The Getty, The Kinsey Institute and the Fratelli Alinari Archive. Since 2008, Amy has been working on a Fulbright-funded rephotographic project based on prints in the Alinari archive in Florence. As a former tenured professor of photography and digital media from Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas, Amy founded the School’s first study abroad program (based in Italy) and has been returning to Florence regularly since 1999. She is presently on the board of the Texas Photographic Society and has served formerly as Chair and Treasurer on the South Central regional board of the Society for Photographic Education. Amy holds an MFA in photography from Clemson University and a BFA cum laude in photography and graphic design from Miami University.
Palazzo dei Cartelloni - Via S. Antonino 11, 50123 Firenze

Ufficio Stampa - Press Office:
T 055 289 948 - F 055 277 6408

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