The  Arts Flourish  in Sardinia
Exhibitions, France, Departement de Ville-de-Paris, Paris, 24 November 2009
Land lovely colors intoxicating land of contrasts in which they agreed the sacred to the profane, the ancestral to modern, thriving in the arid, enigmatic land of light, Sardinia conveys a delicate and enveloping music, indelible imprint of his soul, that generously pours itself and around itself. spread this music, and through, discover and build sites and meeting places where every sound, every word, every image is an echo of his identity beyond any border, in the infinity of the world "
Text by Eva Toudjian

The Italian-French Cultural Association "Suoni & Pause" for the 7th edition of the festival dedicated to "Les Arts Florissants de la Sardaigne" it organized with the aim of promoting intercultural exchange between musicians and visual artists Sardinians, Armenian, French and of any nationality with a view traveling between different administrative districts of Paris, carries on show between Péniche Anako moored in artificial lake in the Bassin de la Villette 61, Seine, in an exhibition with the works of eleven visual artists, broken between: the Sardinians Federico Carta, Giovanni Coda, Rossana Corti, Italo Medda, Anna Maria Pillosu, Clotilde Pillosu, Enrico Piras, Antonio Ulzega, the Armenian Asilva and Arsine Nazarian and France's Nadia Prete.

The festival will be inaugurated at the Italian Consulate in Paris on 24 November at 18.30 with a cello recital by Fabio Mureddu to presence of Consul General of Italy in France Luca Maestripieri.

The exhibition in Péniche Anako will be inaugurated on November 25, 2009 at 18:00 and will run at 19:30 with a performance of the opera "Nulla" with the visual processing of Giovanni Coda and execute the plan of original music composed by Irma Toudjian.

From 25/11/09 to 1 / 12/09
From 14.00 to 18.00
Free Admission


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