CSI - a feminist investigation
Exhibitions, Italy, Urbino, Pesaro, 16 July 2009
CSI. A feminist investigation.
Saverio Feligini, Dada Knorr for the "Zoe microfestival"
Pesaro, 16/19 July 2009.

The title and the technique of this installation recalls the bombing of female bodies that media insistently impose, in their continuous and pleased narrative of women as victims. But the ironic intent of "CSI" is to reveal the presence, to suggest profiles of women who have helped to build, or embody, our time. Some ... among the many who every day try not to be made to disappear in a world almost always built on the measure of need and the points of view, the power of the masculine gender. (Aleramo / Anderson / Arendt / Butler / Buttafuoco / Franklin / George / Hill / Hopper / Irigaray / Luxemburg / Montalcini / Navratilova / Politkovskaja / Satrapi / Shiva / Solanas / Smith / Waters / Weil / Woolf / Zambrano ...)

Using recycled materials and paint based on natural temperas, the two artists, one expert in the art of collage and decoupage, the other graphics and copy, create an unreal setting by disseminating little ironic "crime scenes" in the beautiful space of the ancient gardens of Orti Giuli in Pesaro. Clues, objects and words suggest the qualities and personality of the women mentioned, chosen at random from the endless list of well known women, of little known women, of artists, writers, scientists and philosophers contemporary or not.
From the first who tooks pictures of the double helix structure of DNA, to the inventor of the Cobol computer language, the founder of study of the history of women in Italy, Annarita Buttafuoco, (this year marks the tenth anniversary of her disappearance. The two artists play with the suggestions of nearly forgotten celebrities or brilliant but uncomfortable women .

In tribute to the choreographer Pina Bausch, recently passed away, and to evoke the atmosphere of unbearable abuse of female bodies, the authors have got in touch with one of the authors of the documentary "women's bodies", Lorella Zanardo, to include it in the installation. The documentary, lasting 25 minutes, contains in its final part an extract of the ballets of Bausch, Kontakthof.


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