Exhibitions, Italy, Torino, Rivoli, 06 March 2015
Motherhood. Time of the female life full of implications - physical, psychological, anthropological, family, social, cultural - is a source of a thousand emotions and a thousand reflections. Desired or rejected, impossible, shared or solitary, choice, suffered, perhaps unexpected, happy, busy or inappropriate in any way it is presented, which has always been considered innate feminine existence. And today? Science and social mechanisms to allow women a choice. So each is forced to confront, under the light of an unprecedented responsibility, with the core of his life knowing that, for better or for worse, this choice will mark its future and its relations with altri.Pensare herself and to his life as a mother, decide to become or to give up this opportunity, share with other women, loneliness, anxiety, joys and concerns of pregnancy, now takes a different shade, more aware; and it is this knowledge that we want to investigate, to discover their individual paths, the doubts and certainties, abandonments and realizations on a slope so delicate and intimate life. Silvia Maria Ramasso
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