Exhibitions, Italy, Roma, 02 November 2011
Pino Boresta Caesar Pietroiusti Paul Residori

Opening Friday, February 11, 2011
hours from 18.30 to 23.30

Centro Luigi di Sarro
Via Paolo Emilio n ー 28
00192 Rome

tel. +39 06 3243513
fax +39 06 83391277

By Claudia Colasanti

SMOKE is an exhibition of three - a comparison between the authors of conceptual area - which is tantamount to a dialogue on a subject uncomfortable, at first glance and not quite central 'aesthetic' and pleasant.
The smoke also, and especially that emitted from the tobacco content in cigarettes, is for a certain vice, habit, but it can become a compulsion, a tic, a perverse gesture, a real disease.
For Paul Residori, which has the insight of the show, the cigarette (and its residue, the butt) is a daily pressure, with time become a carpet visually deformed. His obsession has turned into the consciousness of wanting to identify a culprit in the final body of that stinking piece. The 'cigarette' becomes, in its largest installation and in his photographs (composed and arranged through a patient's polluting waste collection), the witness of a crime, the emblem of evil, of dependence, most of the pollution Global planet.
Cigarette butts are consumed and also at the heart of the levy Boresta Pino, who years ago created the RAU (Arteologici Finds Urban), an intervention that consisted in the recovery of artifacts microrifiuti between the urban streets of Rome. Boresta, which is a non-smoker, in the exhibition, visitors will wait for the smoking their last cigarette butt deliver and provide them with a certificate autographed with the inscription "FOR SMOKERS ONLY .. ... This is not my last cigarette."
An approach from the distant past, which can translate as a residual substance in the smoke of a candle poetic abstraction, is that of Caesar Pietroiusti. This is a series of drawings on paper (one side of one hundred numbered and signed) density of tone between gray and brown, whose proceeds will be donated entirely to Alzheimer's Association of Rome.

Boresta Pino was born in 1962 in Rome, where he lives and works. His work is ongoing and widespread, urban ubiquitous: his face distorted by grimaces is imprinted on walls, billboards, street signs, light poles, traffic lights. The portrait of Pine Boresta is everywhere in the cities, to remind us of the existence of himself and his artistic restlessness and existential: it invites us to react, to respond to insult, if necessary. Boresta acts as a provocateur and collector is a catalog of human objects, waste, tracks, ideas and even human waste and garbage. A constant work that develops in the direction of their obsession: to the identity, work and daily activities.

Research Art Pietroiusti Caesar (Rome, 1955) expressed interest in the paradoxical situations or problems hidden in the folds of the ordinariness of life - thoughts that come to mind for no apparent reason, small worries, quasi-obsessions considered too insignificant to become a reason analysis, or self-representation. All this led him to explore choices and intentions expressed by others, and to try to make their own choices such others. In recent years his work has focused primarily on the exchange and the paradoxes that may arise in the folds of the systems and economic systems. Since 2004 has distributed tens of thousands of drawings for free products and individually signed, sold stories; ingested notes at the end of an auction and then return to its rightful owner after the evacuation, organized restaurants to the end of the meal, instead of pay, you get the money for the price of food on the menu, set up exhibitions in which the works are not for sale in exchange for money, but ideas or proposals of the visitors.

Residori Paul was born in Rome in 1953, where he lives and works. His vision of the world is derived from geometric graphic art, which commits him to the business side. After 2000 his painting moves from the structure of the rhythm to new modes of expression. A production which shows also a tendency meditative, more and more connected to social actors: the major forms are abstract representations of a real-faceted and contradictory. An almost unbiased attitude in ignoring trends and fashions, which allowed him to look with interest in so many directions and then take only the way of instinct. The same reason that drives him in this period, with new forms installed: as in the painting has never ceased to innovate, now express the urgency of a social emergency no longer be ignored creates an amazing encounter with the three-dimensionality. Born from a state of mental restlessness against the increasing environmental degradation, Residori now creates visual metaphors of great impact, which is explicit in an effective ideological critique against consumerism. An important choice, which leads him to submit materials of the most unpredictable, and which enshrines the delicate transition between the idea and its realization.

Comments 1

Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 years ago
un grandissimo in bocca al lupo

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