opening of the exhibition - Anima Mundi
by Valentina Carrera
Paintings and photographs:
Anna Maria Angelini, Alessandro Bait, Ivano Boselli, Enza De Paolis, Gaetano Fiore, Brigitta Rossetti, Claudia Stra.
The soul is hidden in details. The soul of things. The soul of the world. The soul of artists is reflected in the world, in things of the world, and reflects on the world playing hide and seek with the world, knowing that to find the soul of things, to draw him out, or at least try, to pay attention to details and things invisible, look for the tiniest, seemingly insignificant particular detector ol'epifania flickering, evanescent, uncertain, fleeting, barely visible in the revelation of a drunk moment.
Valentina Carrera has chosen for this exhibition the works of seven artists, four photographers and three painters. Painters, photographers and painters who seem to act as photographers. Photographers, zooming and searching for light cuts and shots, daring combinations, are images that seem abstract paintings. Painters who paint with light, 'write' their pictures with the light: namely paintings, literally, 'photo-graphs'. 'Photos', in fact, in greek means light. While 'graph' means 'writing' ... (Continued)
Virgilio Patarini
vernissage, works by Gaetano Fiore
poster and brochure
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