We will open doors at 8 for a one night vernissage and art show.
Starting with one of the best soup you can find in town the night will see artists from a variety of disciplines come together around a sculpture that we love.
The idea is as simple as that.
The result is for all to dicover.
The selected art piece of the month is EYE by Maike Gräf.
The location is in revaler strasse 99 tor 4 between the mighty walls of the MIKZ within the RAW Temple area.
/ 4 € entry /
gathering artists:
Mareike Kroschel / electric harp
rathaus ramblers / swing jazz
Audiobeamers will present Flaneur Berlin / Live Cinema
Nina Berclaz & Marek Berlin / will dance
Marlin Monroe Williford / will sing
Lince / ambient
mutant fish / visuals
alle farben / dj
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