by Francesca Mariotti and Silvia Crude
Vernissage Sunday, October 19, 2014, 17:30
Opening: Tuesday / Friday 17:00 to 20:00. Merc.- John. 10:30 to 13:30 - Saturday by appointment
"The French philosopher Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007) was one of the strongest critics of postmodernism and the company's simulacrum; if the skepticism and relativism philosophical question the concept of truth, he has more than question the concept of reality, stating that, in the age of virtual communication (television, radio, newspaper and computer science), the facts disappear and give way to an appearance that is their exact opposite ...... "(F. Lamendola)
The artist Stefano Mariotti of Florence, displays his engaging personal "TEXTURES", at the headquarters of the Cultural OLYMPIA MORATA of Ferrara, the ART SPACE ELSEWHERE Via de Romei 38 Ferrara, by Francesca Mariotti and Silvia Raw.
"..... The threads that flood my paintings are meant to veil the surface of the canvas to hide and reveal only a portion of what I want. The psychological game that I intend to bring to the attention is then based on this dual aspect of the look and do not see, as if I held a door ajar deliberately hiding something ..... "
So Stephen speaks and presents its TEXTURES, which fit well, almost at the end, in the Project 2014 "STRESS AND PARADOX" in which this show seems to take shape in the same concept of "paradox", ie para-doxa, as well as the 'opinion, then that goes "beyond appearances" as well as the blanket of actions and statements that conceal or attempt to conceal the reality of things. A conceptual artist who refuses to be classified in any movement or descent, but looking between technique and meaning, "his way" to express their thoughts. The beautiful mono or bi-chrome are increasingly making "three-dimensional" its web looking for the volume to capture the lights. Playing this way about the "mutation" of the same work in different angles that are created with these effects, Mariotti capture the audience and involves making "actor" who benefits from the work by his own movement around it, stimulating, empathically the most varied emotions!
Stefano Mariotti, www.stefanomariottipittore, was born in Florence in 1969. From an early age is very attracted to art, thanks to his father, Raphael, Professor of Art History, deepening their knowledge of modern and contemporary artists. They are in fact just the new techniques that lead to decompose the objects from their real form, portraying them not as they appear, but how they are perceived by the artist, influencing his early practice of self-taught until he receives a basic lesson by the distinguished Futurist painter Primo Conti, during a visit with his father, at his villa in Fiesole. Then begins to hone his skills, always with the focus on a personal quest for a new form of representation of reality, as long as sixteen years for the first time the intuition of "Weaving" and "Scratches". Meetings with artists such as Franco and Anna Santini When he does make his debut in the first group exhibition in 2010 at Fiesole.
The exhibition will run until October 30, 2014.
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